Learning From the Psalms How to Pray Through Your Work.Beyond Rank and Power: What Philemon Tells Us About Leadership.Evangelism - Sharing the Gospel at Work.10 Key Points About Work in the Bible Every Christian Should Know.In Jesus name, we pray, according to Matthew 25:21. God, help us to be good and faithful servants with the gospel you’ve given us in the time and place in which you’ve put us.

We pray that over the Baloch and 7,000 other people groups who are unreached by the gospel right now. Help the nations enter into the joy of knowing you as their Master. God, we pray that you would take the resources you’ve given us, and help us to steward them faithfully for the spread of the gospel among the nations. God, we pray, as we do most every one of these podcasts, for the spread of the gospel to people who’ve never heard it in the world today, for unreached people like the Baloch in Pakistan. This will be glorifying to you, and this will bring joy to us. So we pray for your grace today, to be faithful servants of yours, knowing that this will be good for others. We say together today, “We want to hear these words on that day, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.'” We know that, left to ourselves, there’s no way that will be the commentary on our lives. God, we long for the day when we will stand before you by your grace. God, we pray that you would use our time, our energy, our attention, our affections, our resources, our money, to glorify you today, to love you with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves. Each person who’s listening to this right now, praying this together with me, may we be faithful with the grace you’ve entrusted to us today. God, may that be the story of our lives each and every day. Matthew 25:21 Encourages us to imitate the Faithful Servant As you do to experience joy with your Master, enjoying His grace and stewarding it for His glory. I want to steward well, all the grace you’ve given me for your glory in my life”. When you wake up in the morning, you’ve been entrusted with much, and say, “God, by your grace, I want to be faithful. Just think about all the grace in your life.

All of this, based on God’s grace, that’s part of the point of the Parable, is that we’re being faithful with what’s been entrusted to us. To lay on your pillow at night, and experience the joy of your Master, and then rise the next day. You are faithful with what I entrusted you with today.” You were faithful with the opportunities, with the responsibilities, with the resources, including your time, and your money, and your attention. How can we live today in such a way that we lay our head on our pillow tonight, and Jesus is saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant. I just want you to think about what this looks like today, in your life, in my life.

When we do, we find joy in relationship with Jesus, our Lord, our Master. We want to be faithful with the goodness, and grace, talents, resources, time, everything that he has entrusted to us. “Well done, good and faithful servant.” This is what we live to hear, our Master Jesus say. A great description of how we want to live our lives as followers of Jesus, as servants of God. And as a result the Master says, listen to the language here, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Matthew 25:21 Narrates the Fate of the Faithful Servant In the middle of this Parable of the Talents that Jesus tells, about a Master who goes away and leaves talents to His servants to be faithful with what’s been entrusted to them. You’ve been faithful over a little I will set you over much. “His Master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.